You can start saving money on your electric bills and helping to save your planet today. Every one is always telling us to go green but know one tells us how to go green. well you can start saving the planet by saving yourself money and we all like to save money.
The first steps you can take to save money are.
1.Set your thermostat a few degrees lower in the winter and a few degrees higher in the summer to save on heating and cooling costs.
2.Install compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) when your older incandescent bulbs burn out.
3.Unplug appliances when you're not using them. Or, use a smart power strip that senses when appliances are off and cuts "phantom" or "vampire" energy use.
4.Wash clothes in cold water whenever possible. As much as 85 percent of the energy used to machine-wash clothes goes to heating the water.
5.Use a drying rack or clothesline to save the energy otherwise used during machine drying.
6.Carpet your home Swap wooden floors for carpet and help insulate your house. What’s more, carpets are often easier to clean and can completely transform a room
7.Get double glazing Small chinks in windows is responsible for up to 20% of a home’s heat loss. The cost of installing double glazing will be recouped in the next few years’ heating bills
8. Keep the lid on When you’re cooking keep all lids, covers and oven doors closed. More than 20% of heat can be lost each time you open the oven door. Similarly, water boils up to 6% faster with a lid on the pan, so making this tiny change will cut your energy bill on a daily basis
These are some approximate wattage values for appliances.Appliance and wattage
Lighting - Emergency= 500 Watts
Lighting - Basic= 1200 Watts
Lighting - Full= 4000 Watts
Furnace - Gas= 750 Watts
Electric Heat= 5000 Watts
Heat Pump= 5000 Watts
Electric Water Heater= 5000 Watts
Security System= 20 Watts
Portable Radio= 15 Watts
Cordless Telephone= 15 Watts
Refrigrator - 20 Cu Ft= 800 Watts
Freezer - 20 Cu Ft= 550 Watts
Sump Pump= 900 Watts
Well Pump ½ HP= 1000 Watts
Well Pump 1HP= 2000 Watts
Garage Door Opener ½ HP= 400 Watts
Microwave Oven 800W= 1200 Watts
Microwave Oven 1000W= 1500 Watts
Coffee Maker= 900 Watts
Dishwasher= 1400 Watts
Toaster= 900 Watts
Computer= 250 Watts
Electric Range-1Burner= 1400 Watts
Electric Range Oven= 7500 Watts
TV - 13" Color= 70 Watts
TV - 32" Color= 170 Watts
VCR= 60 Watts
Stereo System= 140 Watts
Clothes Iron= 1100 Watts
Electric Clothes Dryer= 6000 Watts
Gas Clothes Dryer= 720 Watts
Washing Machine= 1000 Watts
Hair Dryer= 1600 Watts
Air Conditioning 1 Ton= 2000 Watts
Air Conditioning 2 Ton= 3000 Watts
Air Conditioning 3 Ton= 4500 Watts
Window A/C= 2000 Watts
Ceiling Fan= 100 Watts
Vacuum Cleaner= 780 Watts
Central Vacuum= 1750 Watts
Its a small start but a big difference on you electric bill.
Going green is best it is not hard great blog it points out all the main pointers of how to save money i will be doing more to keep my bills down thank u.